About us

Ours is a new brand of designer furniture. We were born out of a need, the need to return nobility to forlorn furniture, to give its forgotten soul a new body, to revitalise it in a different context and in a modern form.

We combine traditional techniques with classical and modern materials. We can be conventional or revolutionary but the result is always a unique item of furniture, a one‐of‐a‐kind

The Ideologist

Soft touch of the frontend... You are very welcomed to have a real look at our backend.


Prague Store Opening

Pecha Kucha Night

Forbes Life

Prague Design Week 2018

"Pěkné bydlení" magazine

Showroom Opening 2016

Designer´s Open 2016 (Leipzig)

DMY 2015 (Berlin)

"Interior Design" magazine 

designblok 2015 (Prague)

designblok 2014 (Prague)